Where To Start
When it comes to downsizing you need to begin with the process of dealing with all the surplus stuff that has accumulated over years. Some may need to go to family members, other things can be sold, donated to charities, recycled or thrown away. This can be a very emotional challenging process to get through because every item you own needs a decision. Our de-cluttering team members can help you with that process every step of the way by supply boxes and tape and 2-4 hour sessions for packing or we can simply provide you with a do-it-yourself system to get you started. Starting to think about where you would like to move comes before you decide what type of home will meet your needs. A significant part of the motivation to sell your home and downsize comes from seeing a new space that you can get really excited about buying. That is a key part of the step by step approach we use to insure that downsizing is an orderly unrushed process with minimal stress.